Mission Statement


Justin F. Kimball Alumni Association was organized and formed in October 2001 with the goal of supporting the current and future needs of the graduates of Justin F. Kimball High School of Dallas, Texas.  Our intent is to provide a central web site providing classmate contact information as well as history, events and news of  Justin F. Kimball and its classmates.  Our web presence is perpetual and is separate from the functioning of the Alumni Association, yet linked together.  The Alumni Association is an active and energetic organization and uses the technology of the Internet as a tool to link the alumni together. Our motto remains as it did in our days at school: “We seek the best”.


Our Goals

·        To provide an organization that will contribute to the enrichment of the lives of its alumni members while fostering new friendships and encouraging new ones.

·        To provide and support the alumni of Justin F Kimball High School for the important purposes of building relationships, extending compassion, honoring memories, bonding classes together and preserving the friendships formed at Kimball High School.

·        To provide an Internet based centralized web presence for alumni to access, maintain and update contact information on a confidential basis.

·        To provide and support the activities and needs of class reunion organizers with data, advertising and promotion of reunion activities.

·        To provide and maintain archived and historical records of Justin F Kimball High School and its graduating classes.

·        To organize, sponsor and promote annual activities for the purpose of building strong relationships of the Alumni.

·        To provide media communications via Internet, print, mail, voice or other means as a medium to inform, alert or educate the alumni with important news, events, programs or other material designed for their support.

·        To provide compassion, outreach and support for injured, sick or hurting alumni.

·        To provide information relating to fallen classmates, memoriam sections honoring their memory and promoting attendance at memorial services.

·        To establish and archive historic information relating to Justin F Kimball High School, its students, faculty and organizations.

·        To provide programs and other entertaining mediums for the enjoyment of the Alumni.


Optima Petimus” - We seek the best!


Web Address: www.justinfkimball.org

Contact: webmaster@justinfkimball.org